Friday, November 28, 2008 damn fustrated

well....curently i'm working as a data entry in an Outsourcing company which is nearby my house.....guess what i'm really damn piss off with the failing work which is done by a previous staff who had the qulification of ACCA....what a shame of it....even a simple entry also will have mistake.... aren't she know a small mistake will be a big headache towards the total amount of tat particular account...WTH she is doing....30 over thousand can be paid by petty cash....she mus be mad....yet paid out by cheque there must be cheque no. total amout paid out isn't written also.....what is tis.....sumore money pay to whom is no writen......worst still is the client's company name can be key in wrongly....suppose to be OGPC BT she wrote OCPC....donkey la her...

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